CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first five speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda.
NEW BUSINESS (Discussion and Possible Action): a. Discussion and possible action on the Montopolis Water Reclamation Initiative Storage Reservoir and Pump Station design development submittal located at 2711 Montopolis Dr. seeking support for the project. (Shwetha Pandurangi, P.E., COA-AW).
OLD BUSINESS (Discussion and Possible Action): a. Discussion and possible action on creation of Infrastructure Guidelines.
COMMITTEE AND LIAISON REPORTS (Discussion and Possible Action): a. Standing Committees Reports; b. Working Group Reports; c. Liaison Reports; and d. Appointment of Committee/Working Group members by Chair.
4. OLD BUSINESS (Discussion and Possible Action): a. Discussion and possible action on creation of Infrastructure Guidelines.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: a. Chair Announcements; b. Items from Commission Members; and c. Items from City Staff: CodeNEXT Sound Check Report ADJOURNMENT
CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first five speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda.
NEW BUSINESS (Discussion and Possible Action): a. Discussion and possible action on the Montopolis Water Reclamation Initiative Storage Reservoir and Pump Station design development submittal located at 2711 Montopolis Dr. seeking support for the project. (Shwetha Pandurangi, P.E., COA-AW).
OLD BUSINESS (Discussion and Possible Action): a. Discussion and possible action on creation of Infrastructure Guidelines.
COMMITTEE AND LIAISON REPORTS (Discussion and Possible Action): a. Standing Committees Reports; b. Working Group Reports; c. Liaison Reports; and d. Appointment of Committee/Working Group members by Chair.
4. OLD BUSINESS (Discussion and Possible Action): a. Discussion and possible action on creation of Infrastructure Guidelines.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: a. Chair Announcements; b. Items from Commission Members; and c. Items from City Staff: CodeNEXT Sound Check Report ADJOURNMENT