NEW BUSINESS (Discussion and Possible Action): Courtesy review, discussion, and possible action to recommend the project to the City Council on the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Master Plan located at 600 River St. (Kim McKnight, COA Parks and Recreation Dept.; Jaime Beaman, CasaBella Architects) (15 mins.);
Discussion and possible action on the South Austin Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant design development submittal, located at 1017 Falwell Lane, Del Valle, Texas (Steve Parks, COA Dept. of Public Works; W. Owen Harrod, MWM Design Group) (15 mins.);
OLD BUSINESS (Discussion and Possible Action): Discussion and possible action on CodeNEXT’s draft codes, maps, and processes (Chair D. Carroll) (20 mins.);
COMMISSION SPECIFIC BUSINESS (Discussion and Possible Action): Discussion and possible action on upgrading and incorporating infrastructure into the Urban Design Guidelines as directed by City Council Resolution No. 20120816 060 (Chair D. Carroll) (20 mins.);
NEW BUSINESS (Discussion and Possible Action): Courtesy review, discussion, and possible action to recommend the project to the City Council on the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Master Plan located at 600 River St. (Kim McKnight, COA Parks and Recreation Dept.; Jaime Beaman, CasaBella Architects) (15 mins.);
Discussion and possible action on the South Austin Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant design development submittal, located at 1017 Falwell Lane, Del Valle, Texas (Steve Parks, COA Dept. of Public Works; W. Owen Harrod, MWM Design Group) (15 mins.);
OLD BUSINESS (Discussion and Possible Action): Discussion and possible action on CodeNEXT’s draft codes, maps, and processes (Chair D. Carroll) (20 mins.);
COMMISSION SPECIFIC BUSINESS (Discussion and Possible Action): Discussion and possible action on upgrading and incorporating infrastructure into the Urban Design Guidelines as directed by City Council Resolution No. 20120816 060 (Chair D. Carroll) (20 mins.);