CALL TO ORDER A. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 4 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. B. RESIDENTIAL DESIGN AND COMPATIBILITY STANADARD POSTPONEMENT B-2 2012-036829PR Eleanor Reshetnikov 1807 Stamford Lane The applicant has requested a modification to allow a F.A.R. increase from the maximum development permitted in Chapter 25-2 of the Land Development Code, Section 2.1 Subchapter F: Residential Design and Compatibility Standards from the allowable 40% (4425.6 sq ft) to 48.2% (5335 sq ft) to built a detached single story accessory structure (bathroom/storage) in a SF-3 zoning district.
RESIDENTIAL DESIGN AND COMPATIBILITY STANDARD C-1 2012-043163PR Jan Currier 608 Blanco MODIFICATION REQUESTED: The applicant has requested a modification to allow a F.A.R. increase from the maximum development permitted in Chapter 25-2 of the Land Development Code, Section 2.1 Subchapter F: Residential Design and Compatibility Standards from the allowable 40% (3,569.2 sq ft) to 47.8% (3,968 sq ft) to partially demolish and rebuild while retaining the first 20 feet of the existing house. The applicant is also requesting a modification from Section 2.7 Sidewall articulation from 36’ to 40’.
Status on Amending Ordinance 20080618-93 to put back the language that was removed from ordinance 20060622-22 E (3) an areas with a ceiling height greater than 15 ft is counted twice. Update on public hearing for action scheduled on June 14, 2012. (staff update)
Subchapter F Attic Exemption Criteria (4-9-2012 – BOA interpretation) - Attic Exemption sample drawing
Update on rules posting for revised RDCC application - Application change process –(staff update)
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: E-1 June 4, 2012 (Commissioner Lucy Katz, Keith Jackson, Chuck Mains ABSENT) Adjournment
CALL TO ORDER A. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 4 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. B. RESIDENTIAL DESIGN AND COMPATIBILITY STANADARD POSTPONEMENT B-2 2012-036829PR Eleanor Reshetnikov 1807 Stamford Lane The applicant has requested a modification to allow a F.A.R. increase from the maximum development permitted in Chapter 25-2 of the Land Development Code, Section 2.1 Subchapter F: Residential Design and Compatibility Standards from the allowable 40% (4425.6 sq ft) to 48.2% (5335 sq ft) to built a detached single story accessory structure (bathroom/storage) in a SF-3 zoning district.
RESIDENTIAL DESIGN AND COMPATIBILITY STANDARD C-1 2012-043163PR Jan Currier 608 Blanco MODIFICATION REQUESTED: The applicant has requested a modification to allow a F.A.R. increase from the maximum development permitted in Chapter 25-2 of the Land Development Code, Section 2.1 Subchapter F: Residential Design and Compatibility Standards from the allowable 40% (3,569.2 sq ft) to 47.8% (3,968 sq ft) to partially demolish and rebuild while retaining the first 20 feet of the existing house. The applicant is also requesting a modification from Section 2.7 Sidewall articulation from 36’ to 40’.
Status on Amending Ordinance 20080618-93 to put back the language that was removed from ordinance 20060622-22 E (3) an areas with a ceiling height greater than 15 ft is counted twice. Update on public hearing for action scheduled on June 14, 2012. (staff update)
Subchapter F Attic Exemption Criteria (4-9-2012 – BOA interpretation) - Attic Exemption sample drawing
Update on rules posting for revised RDCC application - Application change process –(staff update)
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: E-1 June 4, 2012 (Commissioner Lucy Katz, Keith Jackson, Chuck Mains ABSENT) Adjournment