CALL TO ORDER 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Consider approval of the minutes from the Austin Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities September 22, 2014 Special Called meeting.
OLD BUSINESS: For discussion and possible action i. Election of Officers ii. Consider a recommendation regarding the construction of a Seton Aerial Walkway.
Presentation – Carlos B. Lopez, Constable Precinct 5 and Tanya Winters- Constable, Precinct 5 Accessible Parking Enforcement Education and Outreach Coordinator - Providing an update on the Travis County Disabled Parking Enforcement Program.
Presentation – Pedestrian Advisory Council member i. Request support from the committee for Vision Zero recommendation to Council - The goal is zero deaths and serious injuries on the transportation network and would apply to all modes of traffic, including pedestrians
Subcommittee Reports: For discussion and possible action i. Access and Youth Initiatives i. Employment and Awards
CALL TO ORDER 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Consider approval of the minutes from the Austin Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities September 22, 2014 Special Called meeting.
OLD BUSINESS: For discussion and possible action i. Election of Officers ii. Consider a recommendation regarding the construction of a Seton Aerial Walkway.
Presentation – Carlos B. Lopez, Constable Precinct 5 and Tanya Winters- Constable, Precinct 5 Accessible Parking Enforcement Education and Outreach Coordinator - Providing an update on the Travis County Disabled Parking Enforcement Program.
Presentation – Pedestrian Advisory Council member i. Request support from the committee for Vision Zero recommendation to Council - The goal is zero deaths and serious injuries on the transportation network and would apply to all modes of traffic, including pedestrians
Subcommittee Reports: For discussion and possible action i. Access and Youth Initiatives i. Employment and Awards