APPROVAL OF MINUTES Consider approval of the minutes from the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities September 16, 2016 meeting.
CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: Each speaker signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will be called in order of sign-up and will be allowed three minutes to speak about items posted or not on the agenda
NEW BUSINESS: Discussion and possible action regarding setting a joint meeting with the Commission on Seniors and setting an outline for the agenda of that meeting.
CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: Each speaker signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will be called in order of sign-up and will be allowed three minutes to speak about items posted or not on the agenda
Discussion and possible action regarding the reports from the Access and Public Policy Committee; Awards and Outreach Committee; and the Employment and Education Committee.
Presentation and discussion on the CodeNext and Imagine Austin Plan from the Planning and Zoning Department.
Presentation and discussion on the Strategic Housing Plan from the Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Department.
Gail McCant, Equal Employment Fair Housing Division Response to inquiry regarding HIV/AIDS complaint process.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Consider approval of the minutes from the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities September 16, 2016 meeting.
CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: Each speaker signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will be called in order of sign-up and will be allowed three minutes to speak about items posted or not on the agenda
NEW BUSINESS: Discussion and possible action regarding setting a joint meeting with the Commission on Seniors and setting an outline for the agenda of that meeting.
CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: Each speaker signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will be called in order of sign-up and will be allowed three minutes to speak about items posted or not on the agenda
Discussion and possible action regarding the reports from the Access and Public Policy Committee; Awards and Outreach Committee; and the Employment and Education Committee.
Presentation and discussion on the CodeNext and Imagine Austin Plan from the Planning and Zoning Department.
Presentation and discussion on the Strategic Housing Plan from the Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Department.
Gail McCant, Equal Employment Fair Housing Division Response to inquiry regarding HIV/AIDS complaint process.