2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL (3 minutes to speak) Citizen communication is an opportunity for members of the public to speak on items not posted on the agenda. 3. NEW BUSINESS – BRIEFINGS A. General Obligation Bond Programs Overview: i. Presentation by Parks and Recreation Department on 2012 Bond Program Proposition 14 and completion of 2006 Bond Program Proposition 3 ii. Presentation by Health and Human Services Department on 2012 Bond Program Proposition 17
General Obligation Bond Programs Report: i. Status update and project highlights for the 2010, 2006 Bond Programs
General Obligation Bond Appropriations and Sale Schedule: i. Presentation by Financial Services Department on the proposed Fiscal Year 2014 General Obligation Bond Appropriation and Sale Schedule
NEW BUSINESS – ACTION ITEMS The Committee may discuss and take action on the following agenda item(s). Citizens may sign up to speak for 3 minutes on specific agenda items. A. Board/Commission Recommendation to Council: Bond Oversight Committee recommendation on the proposed Fiscal Year 2014 General Obligation Bond Appropriation and Sale Schedule
2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL (3 minutes to speak) Citizen communication is an opportunity for members of the public to speak on items not posted on the agenda. 3. NEW BUSINESS – BRIEFINGS A. General Obligation Bond Programs Overview: i. Presentation by Parks and Recreation Department on 2012 Bond Program Proposition 14 and completion of 2006 Bond Program Proposition 3 ii. Presentation by Health and Human Services Department on 2012 Bond Program Proposition 17
General Obligation Bond Programs Report: i. Status update and project highlights for the 2010, 2006 Bond Programs
General Obligation Bond Appropriations and Sale Schedule: i. Presentation by Financial Services Department on the proposed Fiscal Year 2014 General Obligation Bond Appropriation and Sale Schedule
NEW BUSINESS – ACTION ITEMS The Committee may discuss and take action on the following agenda item(s). Citizens may sign up to speak for 3 minutes on specific agenda items. A. Board/Commission Recommendation to Council: Bond Oversight Committee recommendation on the proposed Fiscal Year 2014 General Obligation Bond Appropriation and Sale Schedule