ii. (30 min.) Presentation by the Public Works Department on related bond propositions and project updates iii. (30 min.) Presentation by the Public Works Department on Construction Cost Analysis - Part 2 (follow-up from July 16, 2014 presentation)
Presentation by the Parks and Recreation Department on related bond propositions and project updates
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS (05 min.) The following items have been previously offered by Committee Members as possible future agenda items. Presentation dates are to be determined: A. 2014 Bond Election B. Operations and Maintenance impacts of Bond program implementation C. Bond Program impact on the debt service portion of the City’s tax rate D. Health and Human Services Bond proposition and project updates E. Mobility Bond propositions and project updates
ii. (30 min.) Presentation by the Public Works Department on related bond propositions and project updates iii. (30 min.) Presentation by the Public Works Department on Construction Cost Analysis - Part 2 (follow-up from July 16, 2014 presentation)
Presentation by the Parks and Recreation Department on related bond propositions and project updates
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS (05 min.) The following items have been previously offered by Committee Members as possible future agenda items. Presentation dates are to be determined: A. 2014 Bond Election B. Operations and Maintenance impacts of Bond program implementation C. Bond Program impact on the debt service portion of the City’s tax rate D. Health and Human Services Bond proposition and project updates E. Mobility Bond propositions and project updates