A. CALL TO ORDER –March 11, 2015, 6:00 p.m. C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of minutes from the February 11, 2015 WWW Commission regular meeting.
ITEMS FOR COMMISSION’S REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL 1. Recommend approval to award and execute a 43-month contract through the National Joint Powers Alliance with W. W. GRAINGER, INC., to purchase industrial supplies, equipment, tools, and services in an amount not to exceed $16,500,000, with one 12-month extension option in an amount not to exceed $4,500,000 additional per extension option, for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $21,000,000. Austin Water’s portion of the requested authorization is estimated $1,193,250.
Recommend approval to award and execute a 24 month service agreement with UCS FACILITY SERVICES to provide maintenance and custodial services for Austin Water in an amount not to exceed $1,245,648 with two 12-month extension options in an amount not to exceed $622,824 per extension option, for a total contract amount not to exceed $2,491,296.
Recommend approval to award and execute a 36-month contract agreement with WACHS WATER SERVICES to provide leak detection services in an amount not to exceed $304,830 with three 12-month extension options in an amount not to exceed $101,610 per extension option for a total contract amount not to exceed $609,660.
4. Recommend approval to execute a construction contract with RESTEK, INC. for the Ullrich Water Treatment Plant Concrete Rehabilitation project in the amount of $424,195 (base bid + alternates) plus an $84,839 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $509,034.
D5. Recommend approval of Service Extension Request No. 3524 for water service to a 1.93 acre tract at 6720 Vaught Ranch Rd located within the Drinking Water Protection Zone, the City’s 2-mile ETJ and Austin Water’s service area. D6. Recommend approval of Service Extension Request No. 3525 for wastewater service to a 1.93 acre tract at 6720 Vaught Ranch Rd located within the Drinking Water Protection Zone, the City’s 2-mile ETJ and Austin Water’s service area.
Recommend approval to negotiate and execute an interlocal agreement between the City of Austin and the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) for relocation of existing water, wastewater and reclaimed water lines in conflict with TX DOT roadway improvements within the SH 71: East of US 183 to Onion Creek - Toll Road Project. This project is in the amount of $5,200,000 plus a $520,000 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $5,720,000.
A. CALL TO ORDER –March 11, 2015, 6:00 p.m. C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of minutes from the February 11, 2015 WWW Commission regular meeting.
ITEMS FOR COMMISSION’S REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL 1. Recommend approval to award and execute a 43-month contract through the National Joint Powers Alliance with W. W. GRAINGER, INC., to purchase industrial supplies, equipment, tools, and services in an amount not to exceed $16,500,000, with one 12-month extension option in an amount not to exceed $4,500,000 additional per extension option, for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $21,000,000. Austin Water’s portion of the requested authorization is estimated $1,193,250.
Recommend approval to award and execute a 24 month service agreement with UCS FACILITY SERVICES to provide maintenance and custodial services for Austin Water in an amount not to exceed $1,245,648 with two 12-month extension options in an amount not to exceed $622,824 per extension option, for a total contract amount not to exceed $2,491,296.
Recommend approval to award and execute a 36-month contract agreement with WACHS WATER SERVICES to provide leak detection services in an amount not to exceed $304,830 with three 12-month extension options in an amount not to exceed $101,610 per extension option for a total contract amount not to exceed $609,660.
4. Recommend approval to execute a construction contract with RESTEK, INC. for the Ullrich Water Treatment Plant Concrete Rehabilitation project in the amount of $424,195 (base bid + alternates) plus an $84,839 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $509,034.
D5. Recommend approval of Service Extension Request No. 3524 for water service to a 1.93 acre tract at 6720 Vaught Ranch Rd located within the Drinking Water Protection Zone, the City’s 2-mile ETJ and Austin Water’s service area. D6. Recommend approval of Service Extension Request No. 3525 for wastewater service to a 1.93 acre tract at 6720 Vaught Ranch Rd located within the Drinking Water Protection Zone, the City’s 2-mile ETJ and Austin Water’s service area.
Recommend approval to negotiate and execute an interlocal agreement between the City of Austin and the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) for relocation of existing water, wastewater and reclaimed water lines in conflict with TX DOT roadway improvements within the SH 71: East of US 183 to Onion Creek - Toll Road Project. This project is in the amount of $5,200,000 plus a $520,000 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $5,720,000.