A. CALL TO ORDER – August 12, 2015, 6:00 p.m. B. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of minutes from the July 8, 2015 WWW Commission regular meeting.
3. Recommend approval to award and execute a 24-month sole source requirements supply contract with M-I LLC, for the supply of odor and corrosion control chemical for Austin Water in an amount not to exceed $233,069, with two 24-month extension options in amounts not to exceed $233,069 per extension option, for a total contract amount not to exceed $699,207. 4. Recommend approval execute a 36-month contract through the STATE OF TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION RESOURCES with RFD & ASSOCIATES, INC. (WBE), to provide unlimited software licensing, software maintenance, hardware support, and professional services for Oracle in an amount not to exceed $11,467,950. This is a multidepartment contract. Austin Water’s portion of the requested authorization is $330,282. 5. Recommend approval to execute a 36–month contract with MCEACHERN ENTERPRISES, INC. DBA SUPERIOR SEPTIC to provide portable toilet rental in an amount not to exceed $477,957, with three 12-month extension options in an amount not to exceed $159,319 per extension option, for a total contract amount not to exceed $955,914. This is a multi-department contract. Austin Water’s portion of the requested authorization is $21,000. 6. Recommend approval to negotiate and execute a 120-month lease renewal with BT1 AUSTIN LLC for 8,850 square feet of office and laboratory space for the Laboratory Services Division of Austin Water, located at 14050 Summit Drive, Suite 121, Austin, Texas, in an amount not to exceed $1,474,793.50 (District 7). 7. Recommend approval to execute a construction contract with PEABODY GENERAL CONTRACTORS, INC. (WBE 66.22%) for the Mains to Capitol Complex project in the amount of $4,775,698.80 plus a $238,784.94 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $5,014,483.74. (Districts 1 & 9)
Recommend approval of a contract with HARTWELL ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION for the purchase of progressive cavity pumps for Austin Water in a total contract amount of $148,600.
Recommend approval to award and execute a 12-month sole source contract with GE INTELLIGENT PLATFORMS INC, for GE SCADA software licensing and technical support in an amount not to exceed $93,639, with two 12-month extension options in an amount not to exceed $92,551 for the first option and $95,327 for the final option for a total contract amount not to exceed $281,517.
Recommend approval to negotiate and execute an interlocal agreement between the City of Austin and Travis County for Martin Hill Transmission Main Segment A, Segment B, and Segment C Project to receive from Travis County an amount not to exceed $77,830.83. (District 6)
Recommend approval of an ordinance authorizing negotiation and execution of amended water cost reimbursement agreements with CLUB DEAL 120 WHISPER VALLEY, L.P., and CLUB DEAL 116 INDIAN HILLS TX, L.P., for the design and construction of water mains in an amount not to exceed $21,200,000. This ordinance would supersede ordinances 20100527-006, 20100826-004, 20130117-015, and 20140807-013.
Recommend approval of an ordinance that would revise portions of Chapter 6-5 of the Austin City Code applicable to the regulation of marine sanitation, as related to the protection of water quality.
STAFF BRIEFINGS, PRESENTATIONS, AND OR REPORTS Austin Water 2016 Proposed Budget – Greg Meszaros / David Anders
REPORTS BY COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE 1. Austin Integrated Water Resource Planning Task Force Briefing – William Moriarty 2. Budget Committee Report – Mickey Fishbeck Maia
H. STAFF BRIEFINGS, PRESENTATIONS, AND OR REPORTS 1. Austin Water 2016 Proposed Budget – Greg Meszaros / David Anders 2. Public Utility Committee Briefing – Greg Meszaros 3. AWU Monthly Financial Status Report – David Anders I. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS J. ADJOURN
A. CALL TO ORDER – August 12, 2015, 6:00 p.m. B. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of minutes from the July 8, 2015 WWW Commission regular meeting.
3. Recommend approval to award and execute a 24-month sole source requirements supply contract with M-I LLC, for the supply of odor and corrosion control chemical for Austin Water in an amount not to exceed $233,069, with two 24-month extension options in amounts not to exceed $233,069 per extension option, for a total contract amount not to exceed $699,207. 4. Recommend approval execute a 36-month contract through the STATE OF TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION RESOURCES with RFD & ASSOCIATES, INC. (WBE), to provide unlimited software licensing, software maintenance, hardware support, and professional services for Oracle in an amount not to exceed $11,467,950. This is a multidepartment contract. Austin Water’s portion of the requested authorization is $330,282. 5. Recommend approval to execute a 36–month contract with MCEACHERN ENTERPRISES, INC. DBA SUPERIOR SEPTIC to provide portable toilet rental in an amount not to exceed $477,957, with three 12-month extension options in an amount not to exceed $159,319 per extension option, for a total contract amount not to exceed $955,914. This is a multi-department contract. Austin Water’s portion of the requested authorization is $21,000. 6. Recommend approval to negotiate and execute a 120-month lease renewal with BT1 AUSTIN LLC for 8,850 square feet of office and laboratory space for the Laboratory Services Division of Austin Water, located at 14050 Summit Drive, Suite 121, Austin, Texas, in an amount not to exceed $1,474,793.50 (District 7). 7. Recommend approval to execute a construction contract with PEABODY GENERAL CONTRACTORS, INC. (WBE 66.22%) for the Mains to Capitol Complex project in the amount of $4,775,698.80 plus a $238,784.94 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $5,014,483.74. (Districts 1 & 9)
Recommend approval of a contract with HARTWELL ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION for the purchase of progressive cavity pumps for Austin Water in a total contract amount of $148,600.
Recommend approval to award and execute a 12-month sole source contract with GE INTELLIGENT PLATFORMS INC, for GE SCADA software licensing and technical support in an amount not to exceed $93,639, with two 12-month extension options in an amount not to exceed $92,551 for the first option and $95,327 for the final option for a total contract amount not to exceed $281,517.
Recommend approval to negotiate and execute an interlocal agreement between the City of Austin and Travis County for Martin Hill Transmission Main Segment A, Segment B, and Segment C Project to receive from Travis County an amount not to exceed $77,830.83. (District 6)
Recommend approval of an ordinance authorizing negotiation and execution of amended water cost reimbursement agreements with CLUB DEAL 120 WHISPER VALLEY, L.P., and CLUB DEAL 116 INDIAN HILLS TX, L.P., for the design and construction of water mains in an amount not to exceed $21,200,000. This ordinance would supersede ordinances 20100527-006, 20100826-004, 20130117-015, and 20140807-013.
Recommend approval of an ordinance that would revise portions of Chapter 6-5 of the Austin City Code applicable to the regulation of marine sanitation, as related to the protection of water quality.
STAFF BRIEFINGS, PRESENTATIONS, AND OR REPORTS Austin Water 2016 Proposed Budget – Greg Meszaros / David Anders
REPORTS BY COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE 1. Austin Integrated Water Resource Planning Task Force Briefing – William Moriarty 2. Budget Committee Report – Mickey Fishbeck Maia
H. STAFF BRIEFINGS, PRESENTATIONS, AND OR REPORTS 1. Austin Water 2016 Proposed Budget – Greg Meszaros / David Anders 2. Public Utility Committee Briefing – Greg Meszaros 3. AWU Monthly Financial Status Report – David Anders I. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS J. ADJOURN