A. CALL TO ORDER – APRIL 13, 2016, 6:00 p.m. B. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of minutes from the January 13, 2016 WWW Commission regular meeting.
ITEMS FOR COMMISSION’S REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL 1. Recommend approval of an amendment to the contract with WHELAN SECURITY COMPANY, INC. for additional unarmed security guard and patrol services, for an increase of $1,479,126 not to exceed $8,393,490. 2. Recommend approval to award and execute a 36 month contract with ATMOS RESEARCH AND CONSULTING to provide consulting services for an evaluation of climate change impacts on hydrology in an amount not to exceed $116,000. 3. Recommend approval to award and execute a 36-month contract with AUSTIN METAL AND IRON CO., L.P., or one of the other qualified offers to Request For Proposal SLW0507, for the sale of scrap metal in an estimated revenue amount of $1,650,000, with three 12-month extension options in an estimated revenue amount of $550,000 per extension option, for a total estimated revenue amount of $3,300,000. This is a multi-department contract. 4. Recommend approval of an amendment to the contract with WASTEWATER TRANSPORT SERVICES, LLC to provide sludge and sewage pumping, hauling, and disposal services for an increase of $145,000 not to exceed $1,000,000. 9. Recommend approval of a resolution approving the issuance by Travis County Water Control and Improvement District Number 10 of Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 2016, in a par amount not to exceed $45,970,000; and approving a substantial draft of the District’s Bond Resolution and Preliminary Official Statement. 13. Recommend approval of an of a 24-month contract with BRAD NORTON and WEBB & WEBB, or one of the other qualified offers to Request For Proposal RMJ0305, for the administrative hearing officers for various City departments in an amount not to exceed $124,000 each and combined, with two 24-month extension options in an amount not to exceed $124,000 each and combined per extension option, for a total contract amount not to exceed $372,000. This is a multi-department contract. Austin Water’s portion of the requested authorization is $4,400 for the 24 month period.
Recommend approval to award and execute a contract with RAFTELIS FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS, INC. to conduct a comprehensive cost of service rate study for Austin Water in an amount not to exceed $494,474.
Recommend approval to execute a construction contract with PROTA CONSTRUCTION INC. /PROTA INC., JOINT VENTURE (FH 67.92%) for the Spicewood Springs Pump Station Utility Improvements project in the amount of $3,101,040 plus a $310,000 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $3,411,040. (District 10)
Recommend approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to apply for funding from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) for a low interest, multi-year loan in the amount up to $80,195,000 as part of the TWDB’s State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT) loan program for the development and implementation of an Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) system for Austin Water.
Recommend approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to apply for funding from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) for a low interest, multi-year loan in the amount up to $86,980,456 as part of the TWDB’s State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT) loan program for the implementation of multiple capital improvement projects associated with Austin Water’s wastewater and reclaimed water systems.
Recommend approval of a resolution repealing Resolution No. 20120816-004 and adopting the Revised 2016 Drought Contingency Plan for Retail & Wholesale Public Water Suppliers. This plan is a requirement of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).
Recommend approval of an ordinance amending Chapter 6-4 of City Code relating to water use Management, providing for permanent once-per-week irrigation for automatic irrigation systems, adding flexibility for hose-end irrigation and home car washing, and limiting waivers for new landscape irrigation to drought tolerant landscapes.
Recommend approval of an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Austin Water Operating Budget (Ordinance No. 20150908-001) to increase the transfer in from CIP by $7,700,000 and increase the transfer out appropriations by $18,000,000 for a net reduction to ending balance of $10,300,000. Approve an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Combined Utility Revenue Bond Redemption Fund (Ordinance No. 20150908-001) to increase the transfer in from Austin Water by $18,000,000 and increase the transfer out appropriations by $18,000,000 for a net impact of $0 to the ending balance.
REPORTS BY COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE 1. Austin Integrated Water Resource Planning Community Task Force – William Moriarty 2. BCCP Citizens Advisory Committee – Annie Kellough 3. Joint Sustainability Committee – Nhat Ho
STAFF BRIEFINGS, PRESENTATIONS, AND OR REPORTS 1. Energy Consumption / Reduction Research Update (requested by WWW Commission 8/2013 UT Interlocal Agreement) – Michael Webber, UT 2. Administrative Adjustment Policy & Resolution – Greg Meszaros
E. VOTING ITEMS FROM COMMISSION 3. Pilot Knob & Affordable Housing Fee Waivers Resolution to Council J. ADJOURN
A. CALL TO ORDER – APRIL 13, 2016, 6:00 p.m. B. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of minutes from the January 13, 2016 WWW Commission regular meeting.
ITEMS FOR COMMISSION’S REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL TO CITY COUNCIL 1. Recommend approval of an amendment to the contract with WHELAN SECURITY COMPANY, INC. for additional unarmed security guard and patrol services, for an increase of $1,479,126 not to exceed $8,393,490. 2. Recommend approval to award and execute a 36 month contract with ATMOS RESEARCH AND CONSULTING to provide consulting services for an evaluation of climate change impacts on hydrology in an amount not to exceed $116,000. 3. Recommend approval to award and execute a 36-month contract with AUSTIN METAL AND IRON CO., L.P., or one of the other qualified offers to Request For Proposal SLW0507, for the sale of scrap metal in an estimated revenue amount of $1,650,000, with three 12-month extension options in an estimated revenue amount of $550,000 per extension option, for a total estimated revenue amount of $3,300,000. This is a multi-department contract. 4. Recommend approval of an amendment to the contract with WASTEWATER TRANSPORT SERVICES, LLC to provide sludge and sewage pumping, hauling, and disposal services for an increase of $145,000 not to exceed $1,000,000. 9. Recommend approval of a resolution approving the issuance by Travis County Water Control and Improvement District Number 10 of Unlimited Tax Bonds, Series 2016, in a par amount not to exceed $45,970,000; and approving a substantial draft of the District’s Bond Resolution and Preliminary Official Statement. 13. Recommend approval of an of a 24-month contract with BRAD NORTON and WEBB & WEBB, or one of the other qualified offers to Request For Proposal RMJ0305, for the administrative hearing officers for various City departments in an amount not to exceed $124,000 each and combined, with two 24-month extension options in an amount not to exceed $124,000 each and combined per extension option, for a total contract amount not to exceed $372,000. This is a multi-department contract. Austin Water’s portion of the requested authorization is $4,400 for the 24 month period.
Recommend approval to award and execute a contract with RAFTELIS FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS, INC. to conduct a comprehensive cost of service rate study for Austin Water in an amount not to exceed $494,474.
Recommend approval to execute a construction contract with PROTA CONSTRUCTION INC. /PROTA INC., JOINT VENTURE (FH 67.92%) for the Spicewood Springs Pump Station Utility Improvements project in the amount of $3,101,040 plus a $310,000 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $3,411,040. (District 10)
Recommend approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to apply for funding from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) for a low interest, multi-year loan in the amount up to $80,195,000 as part of the TWDB’s State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT) loan program for the development and implementation of an Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) system for Austin Water.
Recommend approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to apply for funding from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) for a low interest, multi-year loan in the amount up to $86,980,456 as part of the TWDB’s State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT) loan program for the implementation of multiple capital improvement projects associated with Austin Water’s wastewater and reclaimed water systems.
Recommend approval of a resolution repealing Resolution No. 20120816-004 and adopting the Revised 2016 Drought Contingency Plan for Retail & Wholesale Public Water Suppliers. This plan is a requirement of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).
Recommend approval of an ordinance amending Chapter 6-4 of City Code relating to water use Management, providing for permanent once-per-week irrigation for automatic irrigation systems, adding flexibility for hose-end irrigation and home car washing, and limiting waivers for new landscape irrigation to drought tolerant landscapes.
Recommend approval of an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Austin Water Operating Budget (Ordinance No. 20150908-001) to increase the transfer in from CIP by $7,700,000 and increase the transfer out appropriations by $18,000,000 for a net reduction to ending balance of $10,300,000. Approve an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Combined Utility Revenue Bond Redemption Fund (Ordinance No. 20150908-001) to increase the transfer in from Austin Water by $18,000,000 and increase the transfer out appropriations by $18,000,000 for a net impact of $0 to the ending balance.
REPORTS BY COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE 1. Austin Integrated Water Resource Planning Community Task Force – William Moriarty 2. BCCP Citizens Advisory Committee – Annie Kellough 3. Joint Sustainability Committee – Nhat Ho
STAFF BRIEFINGS, PRESENTATIONS, AND OR REPORTS 1. Energy Consumption / Reduction Research Update (requested by WWW Commission 8/2013 UT Interlocal Agreement) – Michael Webber, UT 2. Administrative Adjustment Policy & Resolution – Greg Meszaros
E. VOTING ITEMS FROM COMMISSION 3. Pilot Knob & Affordable Housing Fee Waivers Resolution to Council J. ADJOURN