Approval of Minutes 1. Approve the minutes of the Mobility Committee meeting of April 4, 2019.
Discussion and Possible Action Preliminary findings in response to Council Resolution No. 20181213-044 related to creation of incentive programs to support increased transit use.
6. Land Development Code Revision update including transportation elements such as right of way dedication and reservation, transportation review and analysis, and transportation demand management. 7. Street Impact Fee Study update.
Approval of Minutes 1. Approve the minutes of the Mobility Committee meeting of April 4, 2019.
Discussion and Possible Action Preliminary findings in response to Council Resolution No. 20181213-044 related to creation of incentive programs to support increased transit use.
6. Land Development Code Revision update including transportation elements such as right of way dedication and reservation, transportation review and analysis, and transportation demand management. 7. Street Impact Fee Study update.