CALL TO ORDER 1. Approval of Minutes Approve the minutes of the Public Utilities Committee meeting of June 17, 2015. 3. Discussion and Possible Action Staff briefing, invited testimony, and policy discussion to consider a resolution on stopping the addition of fluoridation to treated water. (Notes: This item will be taken up jointly with the Health and Human Services Committee.)
Discussion and possible action on Travis Vista water supply septic system near Lake Travis, in cooperation with WCID #17.
Briefing, public comment, and possible action related to Austin Resource Recovery organics Collection Pilot Program and possible city-wide implication.
Staff briefing, discussion and possible action on the Fiscal Year 2016 drainage charge base rate assumption.
Items for Committee Consideration Consider and develop recommendations relating to an ordinance authorizing negotiation and execution of an amended water cost reimbursement agreement with CLUB DEAL 120 WHISPER VALLEY, L.P., and CLUB DEAL 116 INDIAN HILLS TX, L.P., for the design and construction of water mains in an amount not to exceed $21,200,000. This ordinance would supersede ordinances 20100527-006, 20100826-004, 20130117-015, and 20140807-013.
CALL TO ORDER 1. Approval of Minutes Approve the minutes of the Public Utilities Committee meeting of June 17, 2015. 3. Discussion and Possible Action Staff briefing, invited testimony, and policy discussion to consider a resolution on stopping the addition of fluoridation to treated water. (Notes: This item will be taken up jointly with the Health and Human Services Committee.)
Discussion and possible action on Travis Vista water supply septic system near Lake Travis, in cooperation with WCID #17.
Briefing, public comment, and possible action related to Austin Resource Recovery organics Collection Pilot Program and possible city-wide implication.
Staff briefing, discussion and possible action on the Fiscal Year 2016 drainage charge base rate assumption.
Items for Committee Consideration Consider and develop recommendations relating to an ordinance authorizing negotiation and execution of an amended water cost reimbursement agreement with CLUB DEAL 120 WHISPER VALLEY, L.P., and CLUB DEAL 116 INDIAN HILLS TX, L.P., for the design and construction of water mains in an amount not to exceed $21,200,000. This ordinance would supersede ordinances 20100527-006, 20100826-004, 20130117-015, and 20140807-013.