CALL TO ORDER Approval of Minutes 1.Approve the minutes of the Austin Energy Utility Oversight Committee meeting of May 28, 2015.
Citizen Communication: General 2.The first five speakers signed up before the meeting is called to order will each be allowed three minutes to speak.
Briefing and discussion regarding Austin Energy’s cost of service study, including engaging a consumer advocate.
Consider and develop recommendations on the award, negotiation and execution of a contract with PACE GLOBAL, a wholly-owned subsidiary of SIEMENS INDUSTRY, INC., or another qualified offeror to Request For Proposal No. GAL0021, for an independent review of Austin Energy's Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan in an amount not to exceed $300,000.
Briefing and discussion regarding Austin Energy’s energy efficiency, weatherization and solar programs.
Briefing regarding an update on the request for proposal for acquisition of utility-scale solar energy.
Briefing and discussion regarding the Demand Charge Report and current demand charges as they relate to small business.
CALL TO ORDER Approval of Minutes 1.Approve the minutes of the Austin Energy Utility Oversight Committee meeting of May 28, 2015.
Citizen Communication: General 2.The first five speakers signed up before the meeting is called to order will each be allowed three minutes to speak.
Briefing and discussion regarding Austin Energy’s cost of service study, including engaging a consumer advocate.
Consider and develop recommendations on the award, negotiation and execution of a contract with PACE GLOBAL, a wholly-owned subsidiary of SIEMENS INDUSTRY, INC., or another qualified offeror to Request For Proposal No. GAL0021, for an independent review of Austin Energy's Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan in an amount not to exceed $300,000.
Briefing and discussion regarding Austin Energy’s energy efficiency, weatherization and solar programs.
Briefing regarding an update on the request for proposal for acquisition of utility-scale solar energy.
Briefing and discussion regarding the Demand Charge Report and current demand charges as they relate to small business.