Approve the minutes of the Austin Energy Utility Oversight Committee meeting of May 26, 2016.
The first five speakers signed up before the meeting is called to order will each be allowed three minutes to speak.
General Manager’s report: • Upcoming procurements: Customer Care Contact Centers staffing, Customer Assistance Program automatic enrollment administrator contract, Telecom Make Ready and Utility Pole Replacements contract, 811 Barton Springs Road office space lease agreement. (Notes: SPONSOR: Council Member Sheri Gallo, CO 1: Council Member Leslie Pool, CO 2: Mayor Steve Adler)
Update and discussion of the rate review process and Austin Energy’s initial rates proposal, including presentation of the impartial hearing examiner’s report and staff response. (Notes: SPONSOR: Council Member Sheri Gallo, CO 1: Council Member Leslie Pool, CO 2: Mayor Steve Adler) Adjourn
Approve the minutes of the Austin Energy Utility Oversight Committee meeting of May 26, 2016.
The first five speakers signed up before the meeting is called to order will each be allowed three minutes to speak.
General Manager’s report: • Upcoming procurements: Customer Care Contact Centers staffing, Customer Assistance Program automatic enrollment administrator contract, Telecom Make Ready and Utility Pole Replacements contract, 811 Barton Springs Road office space lease agreement. (Notes: SPONSOR: Council Member Sheri Gallo, CO 1: Council Member Leslie Pool, CO 2: Mayor Steve Adler)
Update and discussion of the rate review process and Austin Energy’s initial rates proposal, including presentation of the impartial hearing examiner’s report and staff response. (Notes: SPONSOR: Council Member Sheri Gallo, CO 1: Council Member Leslie Pool, CO 2: Mayor Steve Adler) Adjourn