Approve the minutes of the Health and Human Services Committee meetings of August 3, 2015 and August 19th, 2015.
Staff briefing on the criteria and application process for an appointment to the Central Health Board of Managers (Deena Estrada, Business Process Specialist, Clerk’s Office; Jannette Goodall, City Clerk, Clerk’s Office).
Briefing on public health accreditation of Health and Human Services Department by the Public Health Accreditation Board including accreditation purpose, incentives, requirements, stakeholder engagement, and progress. (Shannon Jones, Director; Health and Human Services Department; Dr. Philip Huang, Health Authority, Health and Human Services Department; Veena Viswanathan, Program Manager, Health and Human Services Department).
Briefing on the status of the City’s participation in the 1115 Medicaid Waiver programs designed to transform the financing and delivery of public health interventions for safety net populations (Bob Corona, Chief of Staff, Health And Human Services Department; Laura LaFuente, Program Manager, Health And Human Services Department).
Staff briefing and possible action on draft ordinance to establish a reasonable accommodations process. (Patricia Link, Attorney Senior, Law Department; Carl Smart, Director, Austin Code Department).
Update on staff briefing on the City of Austin's efforts regarding unregulated boarding homes. (Carl Smart, Director, Austin Code Department; Paul Tomasovic, Division Manager, Austin Code Department).
Briefing on language to amend Chapter 10-3, Food and Food Handlers, including recent food handler legislation, creating an administrative hearing process and results from stakeholders’ engagement. (David B. Lopez, Chief Sanitarian, Health and Human Services Department; Vincent Delisi, Assistant Division Manager, Health and Human Services Department).
Approve the minutes of the Health and Human Services Committee meetings of August 3, 2015 and August 19th, 2015.
Staff briefing on the criteria and application process for an appointment to the Central Health Board of Managers (Deena Estrada, Business Process Specialist, Clerk’s Office; Jannette Goodall, City Clerk, Clerk’s Office).
Briefing on public health accreditation of Health and Human Services Department by the Public Health Accreditation Board including accreditation purpose, incentives, requirements, stakeholder engagement, and progress. (Shannon Jones, Director; Health and Human Services Department; Dr. Philip Huang, Health Authority, Health and Human Services Department; Veena Viswanathan, Program Manager, Health and Human Services Department).
Briefing on the status of the City’s participation in the 1115 Medicaid Waiver programs designed to transform the financing and delivery of public health interventions for safety net populations (Bob Corona, Chief of Staff, Health And Human Services Department; Laura LaFuente, Program Manager, Health And Human Services Department).
Staff briefing and possible action on draft ordinance to establish a reasonable accommodations process. (Patricia Link, Attorney Senior, Law Department; Carl Smart, Director, Austin Code Department).
Update on staff briefing on the City of Austin's efforts regarding unregulated boarding homes. (Carl Smart, Director, Austin Code Department; Paul Tomasovic, Division Manager, Austin Code Department).
Briefing on language to amend Chapter 10-3, Food and Food Handlers, including recent food handler legislation, creating an administrative hearing process and results from stakeholders’ engagement. (David B. Lopez, Chief Sanitarian, Health and Human Services Department; Vincent Delisi, Assistant Division Manager, Health and Human Services Department).