CALL TO ORDER Approval of Minutes 1. Approve the minutes of the Open Space, Environment and Sustainability Committee meeting of June 24, 2015.
Consider and develop recommendations on the appointment of one additional member to the CodeNEXT Citizens Advisory Group.
Update and discussion on CodeNEXT and the recommendations of the Green Infrastructure Working Group.
Consider and develop recommendations on the appointment of one additional member to the CodeNEXT Citizens Advisory Group.
Review and consider potential changes to policies related to the renaming of City facilities, including Parks and Recreation Department facilities.
Discussion and possible action regarding options available to the City to permanently reserve parking spaces located in the public right-of-way for park use at the Caswell Tennis Center.
Discuss and recommend a resolution directing the City Manager to clarify the physical boundaries of the Town Lake Community Event Center Venue project. (Related to item #9)
CALL TO ORDER Approval of Minutes 1. Approve the minutes of the Open Space, Environment and Sustainability Committee meeting of June 24, 2015.
Consider and develop recommendations on the appointment of one additional member to the CodeNEXT Citizens Advisory Group.
Update and discussion on CodeNEXT and the recommendations of the Green Infrastructure Working Group.
Consider and develop recommendations on the appointment of one additional member to the CodeNEXT Citizens Advisory Group.
Review and consider potential changes to policies related to the renaming of City facilities, including Parks and Recreation Department facilities.
Discussion and possible action regarding options available to the City to permanently reserve parking spaces located in the public right-of-way for park use at the Caswell Tennis Center.
Discuss and recommend a resolution directing the City Manager to clarify the physical boundaries of the Town Lake Community Event Center Venue project. (Related to item #9)