* This transcript was created by voice-to-text technology. The transcript has not been edited for errors or omissions, it is for reference only and is not the official minutes of the meeting. I'M GOING TO CONVENE [00:00:01] THE AUSTIN HOUSING [Consent] FINANCE CORPORATION, UH, MEETING HERE ON, UH, ON JUNE THE 11TH. UM, FAIR ENOUGH, JUNE 11TH. IT IS, UH, 1131. UH, THE FULL BOARD OF DIRECTORS IS, UH, PRESENT, UH, COLLEAGUES THAT CONSENT AGENDA TODAY IS TO APPROVE THE MINUTES, WHICH IS ITEM NUMBER ONE, AND ALSO TO APPROVE AND A RESOLUTION FOR AN ALLOCATION, UH, WHICH IS ITEM NUMBER, UH, TWO, UH, IS THERE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AND SOME MAYOR PRO TEM MAKES THE MOTION COUNCIL MEMBER, HARPER, MADISON SECONDS. ANY DISCUSSION THOSE IN FAVOR OF THE CONSENT AGENDA, PLEASE RAISE YOUR HAND THOSE OPPOSED. THANK YOU. IT'S UNANIMOUS ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WITH THAT. THAT'S ALL OF OUR BUSINESS. SO AT 1132, THE, UH, UH, AUSTIN HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION IS, UH, ADJOURN. * This transcript was created by voice-to-text technology. The transcript has not been edited for errors or omissions, it is for reference only and is not the official minutes of the meeting.